Monday, October 5, 2009

David Hockney's iPhone Passion

Cool NYTimes article about what DavidHockney has been up to recently...on his iphone.
Here are some accompanying pics.


None said...

It's amazing what you can do with this program. I have it on my iTouch and use at all the time.

In fact, one of the recent covers for The New Yorker was made using brushes. The New Yorker Website has a story on it and at the bottom there's a video of Jorge Colombo, the artist, working on it.

Super cool.

David said...

Those videos by Jorge Colombo are amazing!!! It is so cool seeing the way he layers the painting, usually from back to front and top to bottom. I get the sense he sees the whole painting before he does anything...

Laura said...

It's interesting that he only uses his thumb to create these... another example of his creative mind. I would always use my pointer finger. I wonder what would happen if you used your toes; I know someone with very flexible toes.