Sunday, September 6, 2009


This is a "vacuum-formed relief print" titled Prison from 1987 by Peter Halley.  I think this could be considered a painting because it is flat and uses space to evoke emotions from the viewer. I like the way the painting uses its title to lead the viewer towards finding meaning from the piece. Without the title some might have drawn a completely different conclusion from the painting. Some might have not felt any emotion at all. But the unique feelings and notions that the word "prison" conjures up for each individual delivers a strong emotional impact based on the harsh realities that come from the ultimate restriction of freedom. I appreciate the simplicity of the painting, the bold nature of the lines, and the  solidarity of the "cell" given the large background space. The title, boldness of the lines, and largeness of the background space creates a sense of loneliness and emptiness enhanced when one imagines themselves inside of the depicted cell. The sense I get from the piece is of isolation and entrapment. But hey, thats just my opinion.  Hope everyone had a great weekend, see you on Tuesday!

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