Monday, September 21, 2009

Oh, Pablo...

"The world today doesn't make sense, so why should I paint pictures that do?" --Pablo Picasso

This is one of my favorite quotes ever. It speaks directly to painting what is interpreted by the painter. The internalization of what a painter sees and then translates onto canvas is about as intimate as it gets. Here, Picasso touches on that, as well as making a small social commentary.

1 comment:

Excaliborn7 said...

Great quote. I like to think that a painting need not make sense in relationship to the world, but it still needs to make sense in terms of the relationships we see within the painting, inside of it's own space. I bet Picasso would agree with this too. This quote goes along nicely too with the idea that just because you see a certain color green outside doesn't mean you have to try to create that same green on the picture plane.